23 October 2008

hello blue sky

New iPod means new ways of torturing my eardrums. I now have the option of listening in bed sans earphones, which really is quite nice for falling asleep listening to radio plays.
Seems to me most people nowadays feel that a radio is for music and talk shows. That may not be true everywhere, but around these parts people seem to have forgotten about the audio play. Personally I love the mysteries and sci-fi adventures where you have to imagine the scenery and characters only from voices and sound effects. I think too many people have come to rely on movies and television doing all their thinking for them, and this has led to a dwindling imagination.
Unless of course they are trying to use their amazing internet powers for macroey evil... But then that's just wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

prairie home companion is the last radio play-ish thing I have a connection to. radio plays are really interesting in terms of the form and function of them... it's too bad they're not popular anymore.