07 October 2008



Fall just seems like that time of year... You know, the time of year when every little thing just slows down to a trickle as the leaves shrivel up and die. Lovely, no? So for some reason this time of year I get these strange urges. I just want to sit by the fireplace, sip some tea, knit a scarf, and crank up the phonograph.

I'm not entirely sure why, but this chilly weather seems ideal for listening to calmer music - John Denver, James Taylor, Gordon Lightfoot... And of course this all just sounds better on vinyl. I feel transported, brought back to a time I never lived in, never experienced, but somehow feels closer to me than modern times do. Yet at the same time, I'm not the kind of audiophile who only listens to LPs... Most of my music is digital, on my computer.

But we can all live together, right? In, dare I say, harmony?

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