20 October 2008

Things that make me wish I was still in Boulder

A few months ago I noticed an article on the BBC website about a blogger who was going to try spend a month without using any plastic. Reading her entries throughout the month made me start to realize just how much waste I went through on a typical day, and I decided to start doing something about it.
I've started simple. I bring reusable bags to the grocery store. I bought a metal water bottle to replace my broken plastic one. I've been bringing my own cutlery (pictured above) around with me and declining the plastic ware with my takeout. Actually, I'd been doing that for quite a while now - I got that spoon and chopsticks set back in Korea, and had been carrying them in my backpack for those times when I can't find any silverware. They do have quite a bit of plastic in them, but are still better than using disposable ones.
After starting to read other plastic-free blogs, I've become more committed to this idea. This isn't easy in my current state, though. I do what I can where I can, and just try to reduce my impact one step at a time. Today I ordered a glass straw and reusable tea bags and coffee filters over the internet. I think they should help me reduce my waste, even just a little at a time. I'll keep looking for new ways to change my lifestyle, reduce my impact, just a little bit at a time.

We'll see how it goes. I think it's important to look critically at what we do... Stop being so careless all the time! That'll probably be the hardest thing for me.

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